Otautahi Softball

SNZ AWARDS - 9-324

Otautahi Softball Club While the Otautahi Softball Club would not be considered to be one of Canterbury’s major clubs when it comes to high performance on the diamond, it’s contribution to the wider softball community hasn’t gone unnoticed with their focus on improving health and wellbeing of Māori in Otautahi. They are a club that is delivering at the grassroots of softball, and incorporating a kaupapa Māori approach. Key to the kaupapa is the strengthening of connections to the wider community, kotahitanga in the roopu, and promotion of whanaungatanga and physical activity for all ages.

Four times a year they have run a Hauora event – focusing on healthy lifestyles and physical activity - which sees great attendance from primarily low-income families within the region. They have successfully secured funding for club administration, whilst also subsidizing Junior fees and providing free volunteer training. The fee subsidies mean that playing softball has become affordable for whanau with many members playing. They have a dedicated group of volunteers behind the scenes, who’s hard work is doing big things in the community.

Otautahi Softball Club are a worthy recipient of the SNZ Club of the Year Award for 2024.